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The Tragedy of systemd

Benno Rice


systemd is, to put it mildly, controversial. As a FreeBSD developer I decided I wanted to know why.

I delved into the history of bootstrap systems, and even the history of UNIX and other contemporary operating systems, to try and work out why something like systemd was seem as necessary, if not desirable. I also tried to work out why so many people found it so upsetting, annoying, or otherwise rage-inducing.

Join me on a journey through the bootstrap process, the history of init, the reasons why change can be scary, and the discovery of a part of your OS you may not even know existed.

linux.conf.au is a conference about the Linux operating system, and all aspects of the thriving ecosystem of Free and Open Source Software that has grown up around it. Run since 1999, in a different Australian or New Zealand city each year, by a team of local volunteers, LCA invites more than 500 people to learn from the people who shape the future of Open Source. For more information on the conference see linux.conf.au/

#linux.conf.au #linux #foss #opensource


Join CS50s David J. Malan for a tour of regular expressions--pattern-matching tools that can make identifying and verifying emails, phone numbers, passwords, and so much more all the easier; in this particular stream, well explore them in the context of re, Pythons module that itself is short for «regular expressions», for some real-world utility.

Co-hosted by Colton Ogden. Join us every week live and be a part of the chat at twitch.tv/cs50tv.

This is CS50 on Twitch.

The Art of Code - Dylan Beattie

Software and technology has changed every aspect of the world we live in. At one extreme are the ‘mission critical’ applications — the code that runs our banks, our hospitals, our airports and phone networks. Then there’s the code we all use every day to browse the web, watch movies, create spreadsheets… not quite so critical, but still code that solves problems and delivers services.

But what about the code that only exists because somebody wanted to write it? Code created just to make people smile, laugh, maybe even dance? Maybe even code that does nothing at all, created just to see if it was possible?

Join Dylan Beattie — programmer, musician, and creator of the Rockstar programming language — for an entertaining look at the art of code. We’ll look at the origins of programming as an art form, from Conways Game of Life to the 1970s demoscene and the earliest Obfuscated C competitions. We’ll talk about esoteric languages and quines — how DO you create a program that prints its own source code? We’ll look at quine relays, code golf and generative art, and we’ll explore the phenomenon of live coding as performance — from the pioneers of electronic music to modern algoraves and live coding platforms like Sonic Pi.

Check out more of our talks, courses, and conferences in the following links:

AWK w 10 minut - kurs programowania w języku AWK

Kurs języka programowania AWK

AWK to skryptowy (interpretowany) język programowania, przeznaczony głównie do przetwarzania tekstów.
W tym krótkim filmie przedstawiam podstawy składni wspomnianego języka AWK i pokazuję jak za jego pomocą zrealizować proste zadania, na które może napotkać początkujący administrator czy programista.

Kurs ten obejmuje jedynie podstawy, niezbędne do rozpoczęcia pracy z AWK. Jest to prosty tutorial, a nie kompendium wiedzy.

Zakres poruszanych tematów:
— uruchamianie skryptów AWK,
— wyszukiwanie wzorców,
— wypisywanie tekstu na ekran,
— używanie zmiennych,
— operacje arytmetyczne (tutaj: dodawanie),
— wypisywanie zmiennych,
— wykonywanie kodu przed i po przetworzeniu pliku wejściowego,
— definiowanie field separatora.

Odwiedź naszą stronę: www.uw-team.org

Fanpage na facebooku: www.facebook.com/UWTEAM.org

Unknow na Facebooku: fb.me/jakub.mrugalski

Subskrybuj mnie także na Instagramie:

Install Linux and Suffer?

Linux users have some weird sadism where they recommend noobs to try to do the most difficult things when first using Linux, as if its normal to install a dozen virtual machines, run everything in Wine and a GPU passthrough. Thats the perfect recipe to make your life miserable and its better to help people to actually use Linux the way its intended to be used!

My website: lukesmith.xyz
Please donate: lukesmith.xyz/donate

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How to Do 90% of What Plugins Do (With Just Vim)

Vim огромен. Настолько огромен, что некоторым его полезным штукам уделено недостаточно внимания. Плагины расширяют функциональность, но это расширение осложняется увеличением зависимостей.

В этом докладе мы исследуем компромисные варианты между использованием некоторых плагинов и функционалом чистого Vim, позволяющим достичь тех же результатов, например:

— автодополнение (VimAwesome, YouCompleteMe)
— переходы по файлам (FuzzyFinder, Ctrl-P)
— визуальная навигация по файловой системе (NERDTree)
— интеграция с процессом сборки
— снипеты

«Слайды» и дополняющие vimrc находятся здесь: github.com/mcantor/no_plugins