В этом видео вы узнаете:
— Почему я не использую нелицинзионное программное обеспечение
— Какие штрафы и наказания вам грозит за использование нелицензионного программного обеспечения
— Как защитить себя от нерадивых сотрудников и работодателей
Не секрет, что для простенького сайта не нужно знать много о программировании. Достаточно взять популярную CMS, добавить к ней шаблон пару плагинов. Проверять гипотезу успешности своего бизнеса.
Сегодня, мы поговорим настройки веб-сервера для работы с CMS. На примере Wordpress. Сделаем наш Wordpress быстрый и безопасный.
Предложения от TemplateMonster:
✦ Шаблон PrimaMag — Magazine and Blog ➤ tiny.cc/wwhfdz
✦ One (by TemplateMonster) ➤ tiny.cc/j1hfdz
CREATE USER wp_user@localhost IDENTIFIED BY type_password_here;
GRANT ALL ON wp_database.* TO wp_user@localhost IDENTIFIED BY type_user_password_here WITH GRANT OPTION;
In this Linux/Mac terminal tutorial, we will be learning how to use the cURL command. The curl command allows us to query URLs from the command line. Not only can we make regular requests, but we can POST data, authenticate users, save responses to files, and many other useful actions. Lets get started.
Bash is a Unix shell and command language written by Brian Fox for the GNU Project as a free software replacement for the Bourne shell. First released in 1989, it has been used widely as the default login shell for most Linux distributions.
In this course you will learn how use bash command to accomplish various computer task.
Following Bash topics have been shown and elaborated properly.
⭐ Table of Contents ⭐
(0:00) Linux Command: cal
(0:39) Linux Command: date
(1:30) Linux Command: pwd
(3:02) Linux Command: exit
(3:05) Linux Command: Navigate bash history using arrow keys
(6:27) Linux Command: Navigate left and right using arrow keys
(7:17) Linux Command: mkdir
(9:55) Linux Command: ls1
(11:45) Linux Command: less
(18:44) Linux Command: ls2
(22:53) Linux Command: ls3
(25:06) Linux Command: ls4
(30:20) Linux Command: ls5
(32:37) Linux Command: ls6
(37:18) Linux Command: rm1
(43:50) Linux Command: Using cd to navigate to a directory using a relative path
(52:55) Linux Command: Understanding complex relative paths using. and…
(1:02:03) Linux Command: cd2
(1:12:49) Linux Command: cd3
(1:19:09) Linux Command: cd4
(1:24:49) Linux Command: mv
(1:30:21) Linux Command: cd5
(1:34:56) Linux Command: ln1
(1:39:27) Linux Command: ln2
(1:52:57) Linux Command: file
(1:55:27) Linux Command: cp2
(1:59:00) Linux Command: cp1
(2:02:56) Linux Command: Using echo to print simple strings
(2:05:44) Linux Command: Using echo to display multi-line messages
(2:08:44) Linux Command: Using echo to display messages with escape sequences
(2:16:15) Linux Command: ls and cd
(2:23:15) Linux Command: cat
(2:28:28) Linux Command: uniq
(2:31:40) Linux Command: wc
(2:34:22) Linux Command: grep
(2:37:27) Linux Command: head and tail
(2:40:44) Linux Command: Echo
(2:43:17) Linux Command: Wildcard Expansion
(2:46:28) Linux Command: pathname expansion
(2:48:13) Linux Command: Tilde expansion
(2:49:46) Linux Command: Arithmetic expansion
(2:56:04) Linux Command: Brace expansion
(3:10:33) Linux Command: Parameter expansion
(3:16:22) Linux Command: Command substitution
(3:20:46) Linux Command: Escape characters
(3:28:14) Linux Command: Double quotes
(3:39:36) Linux Command: Single Quotes
Credit: Bash Command
Course developed by: Lane Schwartz
License: creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
This course is created by merging all the lessons related to Bash command line